Lameness Evaluation
We offer lameness evaluations at the clinic or your facility. Frequently the horse needs to be evaluated on hard and soft surfaces, in circles and straight lines, as well as under saddle and in combination with flexion tests and nerve or joint blocks to correctly identify the location of the lameness. After finding the correct location, radiographs and ultrasound, or advanced imaging can be used to establish a diagnosis. We can then proceed to appropriate therapeutics. A performance exam also looks for issues not directly related to lameness that may be limiting the horse’s capabilities.

Lameness Locator Exam
The Lameness Locator is a method of objective lameness quantification. It is the only method of objective lameness evaluation that can be used at your own facility. Other methods such as force plates or video gait analysis require the horse be transported to specialized clinical facilities.

The Lameness Locator is a system of three wireless sensors which send data to a laptop computer for almost instantaneous analysis. One sensor is placed on the horse’s head, another on the center of the pelvis, and a third on the right front pastern. The sensors work together to quantify the difference in head and pelvic movements between the right and left sides. It enables the evaluation of small changes in symmetry which correspond with lameness.

The Lameness Locator enables subtle lamenesses to be evaluated and accurately blocked out using joint and nerve blocks. It is especially helpful in the diagnosis of subtle lameness, in horses with multiple limb lameness and in monitoring improvements during a rehabilitation program. It can also be used in general performance exams, pre-purchase exams and initial exams before performing chiropractic and acupuncture treatments. Rainland Farm Equine Clinic is excited to offer this state of the art technology in lameness diagnosis.